Victoria Aerial Photos and Survey is now announcing that it is offering UAV SAR support services to the public and SAR organizations within the community as of January 2014! VAP is currently working with Juan de Fuca SAR
The Video below demonstrates the effectiveness of the UAV in SAR
Watch YouTube video of UAV SAR Drill!
Using UAV autonomous flight for SAR Video
Demo a UAV deploying a first aid kit!
Service areas: Saanich, Greater Victoria BC, CRD, Sooke, Sidney, and Western Communities
S.W.A.R.M. (Search With Aerial Rc Multi-rotor) is a worldwide volunteer search and rescue network of SAR Drone Pilots dedicated to searching for missing persons at no cost to the local SAR Organization or families. Our primary mission is to offer and provide multi-rotor (drone) and fixed wing aerial search platforms for ongoing Search and Rescue operations, and to create increased awareness about the benefits of RC and autonomous Drone technology.
Aerial search for lost persons is extremely costly with traditional fixed wing aircraft and helicopter. Small highly maneuverable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) may aid and support search efforts in many situations for a fraction of the cost in risk, and resources.