NEW!!! RPAS 200 (Advanced Multi-Rotor Applications and Study)
Looking for more training and groundschool? RPAS 200 will dig deeper into more complex applications of Remotley Operated Aircraft Systems and Transport Canada RPAS Pilot Training Requirements
Note: Custom Dates TBA for private classes can be arranged with RPAS 200
NEW Training Option Summer and Fall of 2025! VAP is proud to now partner with Camosun College for the new in-person RPAS Advanced Training Program. Learn more and register here.
RPAS 200 study material includes more focus on complex operations, RPAS autonomy, air law, meteorology, air navigation, RPAS airframes and systems, payloads, radio theory, human factors, mapping, small business practice, RPAS crew, thermal cameras, drone safe handling and more.
You will also get the opportunity to control and fly the new heavy lift DJI M300 in the field practical.
This course will also prepare you for the Advanced Flight Review. You may choose to take the Review (if you are a ready) during the end of class session (subject to time and class participation).
Note: You will also receive all the RPAS online Udemy sections, study guides and practice tests for all of our updated study material if only taking RPAS 200. Those taking 101 and 200 together may choose to write the 101/200 final exam at the end of RPAS 200 (Day 2).
Both RPAS 101 and RPAS 200 combined will include a total of about 45 hours of groundschool for the student pilot.
Who should take RPAS 200? It is suitable for many, including governmental organizations, protection services, First Nations (police,fire and SAR), and college/university students. 200 preps candidates for the Transport Canada Flight Review and SFOC.
Next scheduled RPAS 101 and 200 Course Dates. Simply Email to Register:
April 22-23 2025 0900-1500, Option RPAS 200 April 24-25. 2025
May 23-24, 2025 0900-1500, Option for RPAS 200 May 26-27, 2025
June 23-24, 2025 0900-1500,
Study and practical with autonomous RPAS: One of the course sections will focus on mapping and survey operations using autonomous waypoint navigation, with new RPAS software. As part of this course, a flight plan will be made to conduct an autonomous RPAS flight mapping mission in Controlled, Class C airspace.
In addition, UAS 200 will include practice and discussion on:
► RPAS operations at night and thermal sensors
► RPAS Flight Simulators, their uses and limitations
► Flying RPA using instruments and telemetry data only (with Visual Observer)
► Visual navigation using First Person View only (FPV with Visual Observer)
► RPAS Operations using extended line of sight
► RPAS and RTK (Real-Time Kinematic positioning) for survey and other applications
► Introduction to photogrammetry and drone mapping
► Flying the RPA in strong wind and/or poor, marginal weather conditions
► Extraordinary operations including launch and recovery from marine vessels and by hand
► LiDAR applications. Introduction to theory, techniques and advantages using drones
► Flight Review Prep or practice mock up (optional)
Study of the complex and advanced uses of RPAS may also include:
► RPAS use for reconnaissance and tactical patrol operations
► Use for payload (IE emergency supply) sling delivery, towing, maritime, and other logistical support service
Notes: We will also discuss business practice, the industry as a whole, and current and future career opportunities for RPAS pilots. We will also address challenges facing the industry as well as issues/ethics.
The successful completion of the course may make certificate holders eligible for job opportunities within VAP and/or other organizations.
► Completion of RPAS 101 or "101 Online Training Package "or...
► Standing SFOC, or RPAS Advanced Rating or...
► Canadian Private Pilot's License (or higher), and proven strong R/C rotary wing drone experience and...
► Good overall health, eyesight, hearing and...
► Min 18 Years old
Note: You should have your TC Advanced drone written exam complete at this stage, but it is not required for admission
Fees: RPAS 200 Tuition Cost: $1075 Plus GST
*** Note: UAS 101 and UAS 200 may be combined to form a 5 day course (including online sections) ****
UAS 101 & 200 Cost: $2000 Plus GST
More Private Custom Class Dates and Times???: TBA subject to course participation. Let us know dates which work for you.