D Mapping:
3D and 2D Survey maps show a real time and updated view of your project. They give your team a bird’s eye view of the business with measurable data for real business insights.
Data includes high resolution aerial photos/videos and the ability to do volume metrics (to the nearest square yard), as well as distances and area calculations for analytics.
Precise Terrain and elevation calculations are accessible on your computer within hours.
► Save time by using software that simplifies complex data collection and solve problems fast
► Prevent problems from becoming business-critical issues by catching them early
3D Maps may be used for...
► Assess the progress of a given construction cut, dig or earth removal as pictured in our recent project
► 3D Mapping can be used for effective planning of future development sites
► Plan views, and assess obstructions
► Showcase and promote the site to your clients or investors
► Strategic reconnaissance and scouting for safety and other security hazards
Call or email us today for a free quotation on your 3D mapping project.
Call/text David Carlos for free telephone consultation 250 507 6421or email straightline8@gmail.com